Temperature | Current: 22.9 | Min: 22.9 at 8:20 PM |
last hour: -0.8 | Max: 30.4 at 12:59 PM | |
Heat Index | Current: 22.9 | Max: 30.4 at 12:59 PM |
Wind Chill | Current: 22.9 | Min: 14.6 at 5:03 AM |
Humidity | Current: 92 % | Min: 82 % at 11:17 AM |
Max: 94 % at 7:55 AM | ||
Wind | Current: 0.0 | from 20 ( NNE ) |
Average | Max 8.8 at 5:03 AM | |
Gusts | Max 12.2 at 5:02 AM | |
Rain | Today: 0.01 | This month: 0.10 |
yesterday: 0.00 | This year: 37.98 | |
days without: 0 | ||
Snow | Today: 0.00 in. | This month: 13.250 in. |
Yesterday: 5.000 in. | This winter: 19.500 in. | |
Snow Depth: 15 in. | Snow days this month: 2 | |
Barometer | Current: 30.234 | Min: 29.937 at 12:00 AM |
Steady ( +0.010 ) | Max: 30.236 at 8:12 PM | |
DayLight Hrs:Min | Today: 08:51 | Yesterday: 08:52:00 |
sunrise: 7:07 am | sunset: 3:58 pm | |
Growing DegDays: | Month to date: 32.0 | Year to date: 2637.4 |
Heating DegDays: | Month to date: 370.8 | Year to date: 6127.0 |
Cooling DegDays: | Month to date: 0.0 | Year to date: 378.0 |
Weather data collected using Davis Vantage Pro 2 and displayed using Weather Display 10.37S, build #150 |
Weather Station: | Console Battery V: | 3.3 |
ISS Battery: | Ok | |
Radio Link: | 26887 265 0 1344 48 |