LaPlantes of Mercer ME, USA

Bea & Fred LaPlante

Person Page 98

Mary Nash

F, #2426, b. about 1770, d. after 1820


FatherJames Nash (b. about 1722, d. about 1778)
MotherMargaret Thompson (b. 26 April 1727, d. 17 November 1810)


Mary Nash was born about 1770.1 She and Ebenezer Cole were married after 1800.1 Mary Nash died after 1820.1
Mary Nash had reference number 2550. As of after 1800, Mary Nash was also known as Mary Cole.1
Last Edited29 November 2015


  1. [S197] The John, Joseph & Samuel Nash Family of Addison, Columbia, & Harrington ME

William Nash

M, #2427, b. about 1750, d. 17 June 1775


FatherJames Nash (b. about 1722, d. about 1778)
MotherMargaret Thompson (b. 26 April 1727, d. 17 November 1810)


William Nash was born about 1750.1 He died on 17 June 1775 in Bunker Hill, Charlestown, Suffolk, ME.1
William Nash had reference number 2551.
Last Edited29 November 2015


  1. [S197] The John, Joseph & Samuel Nash Family of Addison, Columbia, & Harrington ME

John Nash

M, #2428, b. about 1763


FatherJames Nash (b. about 1722, d. about 1778)
MotherMargaret Thompson (b. 26 April 1727, d. 17 November 1810)

Family: Ruth Cole (b. 26 December 1761, d. 15 March 1834)

DaughterEunice Nash (b. 1783, d. 1857)
SonJames Nash (b. April 1785, d. 1863)


John Nash was born about 1763.1 He and Ruth Cole were married in 1784.2 John Nash died.
John Nash had reference number 2552.
Last Edited29 November 2015


  1. [S197] The John, Joseph & Samuel Nash Family of Addison, Columbia, & Harrington ME
  2. [S202] D.B.Lamson & L.F.Tibbetts, Early Narraguagus Families of Washington County, Maine, p.160

James Nash

M, #2429, d. 10 September 1823


FatherJames Nash (b. about 1722, d. about 1778)
MotherMargaret Thompson (b. 26 April 1727, d. 17 November 1810)


James Nash and Hannah Hess were married about 1780.1 James Nash died on 10 September 1823 in Little Falls, Herkimer County, NY, "When thrown onto a pile of stones by a runaway horse ..."2,1
James Nash had reference number 2553. He was baptized on 16 April 1756 in Braintree, Norfolk, MA.3,1
Last Edited29 November 2015


  1. [S202] D.B.Lamson & L.F.Tibbetts, Early Narraguagus Families of Washington County, Maine, p.669
  2. [S197] The John, Joseph & Samuel Nash Family of Addison, Columbia, & Harrington ME
  3. [S192] Vernon S. Phillips, D.D, Francis Nash of Braintree, Mass and 1550 of his Descendants, p.9


F, #2430


Margaret and William Thompson were married.1 Margaret died.
Margaret was also known as Margaret Thompson.1 She had reference number 2554.
Last Edited29 November 2015


  1. [S192] Vernon S. Phillips, D.D, Francis Nash of Braintree, Mass and 1550 of his Descendants, p.7


F, #2431

Family: William Thompson

DaughterMargaret Thompson (b. 26 April 1727, d. 17 November 1810)


Margaret and William Thompson were married.1 Margaret died.
Margaret had reference number 2555.
Last Edited29 November 2015


  1. [S192] Vernon S. Phillips, D.D, Francis Nash of Braintree, Mass and 1550 of his Descendants, p.7

William Thompson

M, #2432

Family: Margaret

DaughterMargaret Thompson (b. 26 April 1727, d. 17 November 1810)


William Thompson and Margaret were married.1 William Thompson and Margaret were married.1 William Thompson died.
William Thompson had reference number 2556.
Last Edited29 November 2015


  1. [S192] Vernon S. Phillips, D.D, Francis Nash of Braintree, Mass and 1550 of his Descendants, p.7

John Nash

M, #2433, b. about 1698, d. 7 July 1745


FatherFrancis Nash (d. 3 August 1713)
MotherElizabeth (b. about 1659, d. about 1696)

Family: Mary Turbifield (, d. 4 June 1761)

SonJoseph Nash (d. after 1766)
SonSamuel Nash
DaughterMercy Nash
SonJohn Nash
SonIsaac Nash
DaughterMolley Nash
SonJames Nash (b. about 1722, d. about 1778)
SonJacob Nash (b. about 1737, d. 1828)


John Nash was born about 1698 in Braintree, Norfolk County, MA.1,2 He and Mary Turbifield were married on 28 June 1721.3 John Nash died on 7 July 1745 in Braintree, Norfolk, MA.1,2
John Nash had reference number 2557. He was baptized on 5 September 1703.3
Last Edited29 November 2015


  1. [S192] Vernon S. Phillips, D.D, Francis Nash of Braintree, Mass and 1550 of his Descendants, p.6,7
  2. [S197] The John, Joseph & Samuel Nash Family of Addison, Columbia, & Harrington ME
  3. [S192] Vernon S. Phillips, D.D, Francis Nash of Braintree, Mass and 1550 of his Descendants, p.6

Mercy Priest

F, #2434, d. 4 June 1761



Mercy Priest and James Turbifield were married.1 Mercy Priest died on 4 June 1761.2
Mercy Priest was baptized in Weymouth, Norfolk County, MA.2 She had reference number 2558. As of before 1721, Mercy Priest was also known as Mercy Turbifield.1 As of 28 June 1721, Mercy Priest was also known as Mercy Nash.2
Last Edited29 November 2015


  1. [S192] Vernon S. Phillips, D.D, Francis Nash of Braintree, Mass and 1550 of his Descendants, p.6
  2. [S192] Vernon S. Phillips, D.D, Francis Nash of Braintree, Mass and 1550 of his Descendants, p.6,7

James Priest

M, #2435

Family: Elizabeth

DaughterMercy Priest (d. 4 June 1761)


James Priest and Elizabeth were married.1 James Priest died.
James Priest had reference number 2559.
Last Edited29 November 2015


  1. [S192] Vernon S. Phillips, D.D, Francis Nash of Braintree, Mass and 1550 of his Descendants, p.6


F, #2436

Family: James Priest

DaughterMercy Priest (d. 4 June 1761)


Elizabeth and James Priest were married.1 Elizabeth died.
Elizabeth was also known as Elizabeth Priest.1 She had reference number 2560.
Last Edited29 November 2015


  1. [S192] Vernon S. Phillips, D.D, Francis Nash of Braintree, Mass and 1550 of his Descendants, p.6

James Turbifield

M, #2437

Family: Mary Purchas

DaughterMary Turbifield (d. 4 June 1761)


James Turbifield and Mercy Priest were married.1 James Turbifield and Mary Purchas were married.2 James Turbifield died.
James Turbifield had reference number 2561.
Last Edited29 November 2015


  1. [S192] Vernon S. Phillips, D.D, Francis Nash of Braintree, Mass and 1550 of his Descendants, p.6
  2. [S197] The John, Joseph & Samuel Nash Family of Addison, Columbia, & Harrington ME

Mary Turbifield

F, #2438, d. 4 June 1761


Family: John Nash (b. about 1698, d. 7 July 1745)

SonJoseph Nash (d. after 1766)
SonSamuel Nash
DaughterMercy Nash
SonJohn Nash
SonIsaac Nash
DaughterMolley Nash
SonJames Nash (b. about 1722, d. about 1778)
SonJacob Nash (b. about 1737, d. 1828)


Mary Turbifield was born in Weymouth, Norfolk County, MA.1 She and John Nash were married on 28 June 1721.1 Mary Turbifield died on 4 June 1761.1
Mary Turbifield had reference number 2562. As of 28 June 1721, Mary Turbifield was also known as Mary Nash.1
Last Edited29 November 2015


  1. [S192] Vernon S. Phillips, D.D, Francis Nash of Braintree, Mass and 1550 of his Descendants, p.6

Joseph Nash

M, #2439, d. after 1766


FatherJohn Nash (b. about 1698, d. 7 July 1745)
MotherMary Turbifield (d. 4 June 1761)


Joseph Nash and Susannah Shaw were married on 16 December 1746.1 Joseph Nash died after 1766.2
Joseph Nash had reference number 2563. He was baptized on 12 November 1727 in Braintree, Norfolk County, MA.2
Last Edited29 November 2015


  1. [S192] Vernon S. Phillips, D.D, Francis Nash of Braintree, Mass and 1550 of his Descendants, p.7
  2. [S192] Vernon S. Phillips, D.D, Francis Nash of Braintree, Mass and 1550 of his Descendants, p.18

Susannah Shaw

F, #2440


Susannah Shaw and Joseph Nash were married on 16 December 1746.1 Susannah Shaw died.
Susannah Shaw had reference number 2564. As of 16 December 1746, Susannah Shaw was also known as Susannah Nash.1
Last Edited29 November 2015


  1. [S192] Vernon S. Phillips, D.D, Francis Nash of Braintree, Mass and 1550 of his Descendants, p.7

Samuel Nash

M, #2441


FatherJohn Nash (b. about 1698, d. 7 July 1745)
MotherMary Turbifield (d. 4 June 1761)


Samuel Nash and Keziah Orcutt were married.1 Samuel Nash died.
Samuel Nash had reference number 2565. He was baptized on 12 November 1727 in Braintree, Norfolk County, MA.1
Last Edited29 November 2015


  1. [S192] Vernon S. Phillips, D.D, Francis Nash of Braintree, Mass and 1550 of his Descendants, p.7

Keziah Orcutt

F, #2442


Keziah Orcutt and Samuel Nash were married.1 Keziah Orcutt died.
Keziah Orcutt was also known as Keziah Nash.1 She had reference number 2566. She was baptized on 7 May 1727.1
Last Edited29 November 2015


  1. [S192] Vernon S. Phillips, D.D, Francis Nash of Braintree, Mass and 1550 of his Descendants, p.7

Mercy Nash

F, #2443


FatherJohn Nash (b. about 1698, d. 7 July 1745)
MotherMary Turbifield (d. 4 June 1761)


Mercy Nash died.
Mercy Nash was also known as Mary Nash.1 She had reference number 2567. She was baptized on 14 October 1733 in Braintree, Norfolk County, MA.1
Last Edited29 November 2015


  1. [S192] Vernon S. Phillips, D.D, Francis Nash of Braintree, Mass and 1550 of his Descendants, p.7

Jacob Nash

M, #2444, b. about 1737, d. 1828


FatherJohn Nash (b. about 1698, d. 7 July 1745)
MotherMary Turbifield (d. 4 June 1761)


Jacob Nash was born about 1737 in Braintree, Norfolk County, MA.1 He and Margaret Higgins were married on 31 March 1764 in Braintree, Norfolk County, MA.1 Jacob Nash died in 1828 in Denmark, NY.1
Jacob Nash had reference number 2568. He was baptized on 23 August 1745.1
Last Edited29 November 2015


  1. [S192] Vernon S. Phillips, D.D, Francis Nash of Braintree, Mass and 1550 of his Descendants, p.7

Margaret Higgins

F, #2445, b. 1744, d. 12 August 1812


Margaret Higgins was born in 1744 in Weymouth, Norfolk County, NY.1 She and Jacob Nash were married on 31 March 1764 in Braintree, Norfolk County, MA.1 Margaret Higgins died on 12 August 1812, at age ~68, in Cummington, Hampshire County, MA.1
Margaret Higgins had reference number 2569. As of 31 March 1764, Margaret Higgins was also known as Margaret Nash.1
Last Edited29 November 2015


  1. [S192] Vernon S. Phillips, D.D, Francis Nash of Braintree, Mass and 1550 of his Descendants, p.7

John Nash

M, #2446


FatherJohn Nash (b. about 1698, d. 7 July 1745)
MotherMary Turbifield (d. 4 June 1761)


John Nash died.
John Nash had reference number 2570. He was baptized on 6 June 1736 in Braintree, Norfolk County, MA.1
Last Edited29 November 2015


  1. [S192] Vernon S. Phillips, D.D, Francis Nash of Braintree, Mass and 1550 of his Descendants, p.7

Isaac Nash

M, #2447


FatherJohn Nash (b. about 1698, d. 7 July 1745)
MotherMary Turbifield (d. 4 June 1761)


Isaac Nash died.
Isaac Nash had reference number 2571. He was baptized on 25 August 1745 in Braintree, Norfolk County, MA.1
Last Edited29 November 2015


  1. [S192] Vernon S. Phillips, D.D, Francis Nash of Braintree, Mass and 1550 of his Descendants, p.7

Molley Nash

F, #2448


FatherJohn Nash (b. about 1698, d. 7 July 1745)
MotherMary Turbifield (d. 4 June 1761)


Molley Nash died.
Molley Nash had reference number 2572. She was baptized on 24 August 1745 in Braintree, Norfolk County, MA.1
Last Edited29 November 2015


  1. [S192] Vernon S. Phillips, D.D, Francis Nash of Braintree, Mass and 1550 of his Descendants, p.7

Francis Nash

M, #2449, d. 3 August 1713

Family 1: Elizabeth (b. about 1659, d. about 1696)

SonSamuel Nash (d. between 1740 and 1742)
DaughterElizabeth Nash (b. 7 September 1677)
SonThomas Nash (b. April 1681, d. between 1740 and 1742)
DaughterMargaret Nash (b. 8 March 1684, d. 10 May 1752)
SonJohn Nash (b. about 1698, d. 7 July 1745)

Family 2: Mary Purchas (, d. 16 April 1735)

DaughterMary Nash (d. 7 June 1706)
SonBenjamin Nash (b. 25 June 1700, d. 1745)
SonJames Nash (b. 6 October 1703, d. 1763)


Francis Nash and Elizabeth were married about 1676 in Braintree, Norfolk County, MA.1,2 Francis Nash and Mary Purchas were married on 5 April 1697 in Braintree, Norfolk County, MA.1,3 Francis Nash died on 3 August 1713.4
Francis Nash had reference number 2573.
Last Edited29 November 2015


  1. [S192] Vernon S. Phillips, D.D, Francis Nash of Braintree, Mass and 1550 of his Descendants, p.5
  2. [S154] Torrey, Clarrence Almon, New England Marraiges Prior to 1700, p.528; says "Braintree b 1677"
  3. [S154] Torrey, Clarrence Almon, New England Marraiges Prior to 1700, p.528; says "Braintree 5 Apr 1697, ?2 May, 2Jul 1697"
  4. [S192] Vernon S. Phillips, D.D, Francis Nash of Braintree, Mass and 1550 of his Descendants, p.5,6

Mary Purchas

F, #2450, d. 16 April 1735


Family 1: Increase Niles (, d. 1 September 1693)

SonJohn Niles (b. 7 May 1678, d. 7 May 1752)

Family 2: Francis Nash (, d. 3 August 1713)

DaughterMary Nash (d. 7 June 1706)
SonBenjamin Nash (b. 25 June 1700, d. 1745)
SonJames Nash (b. 6 October 1703, d. 1763)


Mary Purchas and Increase Niles were married on 10 April 1677.1 Mary Purchas and Francis Nash were married on 5 April 1697 in Braintree, Norfolk County, MA.1,2 Mary Purchas died on 16 April 1735 in Braintree, Norfolk County, MA.1
Mary Purchas had reference number 2574. As of 10 April 1677, Mary Purchas was also known as Mary Niles.1 As of 5 April 1697, Mary Purchas was also known as Mary Nash.1
Last Edited29 November 2015


  1. [S192] Vernon S. Phillips, D.D, Francis Nash of Braintree, Mass and 1550 of his Descendants, p.5
  2. [S154] Torrey, Clarrence Almon, New England Marraiges Prior to 1700, p.528; says "Braintree 5 Apr 1697, ?2 May, 2Jul 1697"